Digital Distance Meter GPS Satellite Land Area measuring Tool NOYAFA NF-188 Outdoor Survey Instrument Land Area Meter

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Product Details of " Digital Distance Meter GPS Satellite Land Area measuring Tool NOYAFA NF-188 Outdoor Survey Instrument Land Area Meter "

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GPS Land Meter Noyafa NF-188 Geological study tool can be utilized to determine any kind of planet's square as well as border Exterior dimension location device
Feature Functions:
* 2.8 inches 320 x 240 huge shade display that makes it much more noticeable and also clear
* Any type of form of planet square and also area can be determined consisting of inclines as well as highlands
* Can be checked in between any kind of 2 factors (size or range).
* The complete quantity of examination information, graphics trajectories, as well as computations might be presented on the display.
* Dimension technique: Handbook and also automated.
* Can videotape and also hold as much as 99 historic information. And also you can check, locate and also remove them
* Establish the system rate according to the family member dimension system.
* Additional money backlight, illumination, and also discovery feature.
* Configure 2 computers of 3.7 V/ 2000mAh battery, which can help 8-10 hrs for every battery which can conserve expense for individuals.

GPS ল্যান্ড মিটার Noyafa NF-188 ভূতাত্ত্বিক জরিপ যন্ত্র যেকোন পৃথিবীর বর্গক্ষেত্র এবং ঘের পরিমাপ করা যেতে পারে আউটডোর পরিমাপ এলাকা টুল
ফাংশন বৈশিষ্ট্য:
* 2.8 ইঞ্চি 320 x 240 বড় রঙিন স্ক্রিন যা আরও স্পষ্ট এবং দৃশ্যমান করে
*পৃথিবী বর্গক্ষেত্র এবং ঘের যে কোন আকৃতি উচ্চভূমি এবং ঢাল অন্তর্ভুক্ত পরিমাপ করা যেতে পারে
* যেকোনো দুটি বিন্দুর মধ্যে পরীক্ষা করা যেতে পারে (দৈর্ঘ্য বা দূরত্ব)।
* পরীক্ষার ডেটা, গ্রাফিক্স ট্র্যাজেক্টোরি, এবং গণনার মোট পরিমাণ স্ক্রিনে প্রদর্শিত হতে পারে।
* পরিমাপ পদ্ধতি: ম্যানুয়াল এবং স্বয়ংক্রিয়।
*99টি ঐতিহাসিক তথ্য রাখতে এবং রেকর্ড করতে পারে। এবং সেগুলি স্ক্যান করতে, খুঁজে পেতে এবং মুছতেও পারেন৷
* আপেক্ষিক পরিমাপ ইউনিট অনুযায়ী ইউনিট মূল্য সেট আপ করুন.
* অতিরিক্ত অর্থ সনাক্তকরণ, আলো এবং ব্যাকলাইট ফাংশন।
* 3.7V/ 2000mAh ব্যাটারির 2 পিসি কনফিগার করুন, যা প্রতিটি ব্যাটারির জন্য 8-10 ঘন্টা কাজ করতে পারে যা ব্যবহারকারীদের জন্য খরচ বাঁচাতে পারে

Technical indicators: ---
  Color red + gray
Square detect range 0-999999.9 M
  Measurement error 3-5%
Single meow / square / hectare / kilometer
Length detection range 0-999999.9 M
Measurement error 1-3 m
Power supply 3.7v / 2000mAh battery
Continuous working time 8-10 hours
Dimensions 174 x 76 x 28 mm
  Weight 149 grams
Attention: -
A. Don't get too close to the tall barrier - some of the building, tree-like factors make this device fit the outdoor blank test.
B. Work began after searching for 6 satellites.
C. Do not measure less than 0.3 Met land.
D. Do not cross or overlap the trajectory when you measure.
E. Before you measure, please check the latitude and longitude coordinates are fixed.

প্রযুক্তিগত সূচক:---
  রঙ লাল + ধূসর
স্কোয়ার ডিটেক্ট রেঞ্জ 0-999999.9 M
  পরিমাপ ত্রুটি 3-5%
একক মিউ/বর্গ/হেক্টর/কিলোমিটার
দৈর্ঘ্য সনাক্তকরণ পরিসীমা 0-999999.9 M
পরিমাপ ত্রুটি 1-3 এম
পাওয়ার সাপ্লাই 3.7v/2000mAh ব্যাটারি
ক্রমাগত কাজের সময় 8-10 ঘন্টা
মাত্রা 174 x 76 x 28 মিমি
  ওজন 149 গ্রাম
উ: লম্বা বাধার কাছাকাছি হবেন না - বিল্ডিং, গাছের মতো কিছু কারণ এই ডিভাইসটি আউটডোর খালি পরীক্ষায় ফিট করে।
খ. ৬টি স্যাটেলাইট অনুসন্ধানের পর কাজ শুরু করে।
গ. 0.3 মিউ জমির কম পরিমাপ করবেন না।
D. যখন আপনি পরিমাপ করবেন তখন ট্র্যাজেক্টোরি ক্রস বা ওভারল্যাপ করবেন না।
E. আপনি পরিমাপ করার আগে, অনুগ্রহ করে পরীক্ষা করুন অক্ষাংশ এবং দ্রাঘিমাংশ স্থানাঙ্ক স্থির।

Digital Distance Meter GPS Satellite Land Area measuring Tool NOYAFA NF-188 Outdoor Survey Instrument Land Area Meter

Are you tired of using traditional measuring tools that are inaccurate and time-consuming? Look no further than the Digital Distance Meter GPS Satellite Land Area Measuring Tool from NOYAFA NF-188! This outdoor survey instrument is a game-changer for land area measurements. With its advanced technology, this tool can measure distances and areas with pinpoint accuracy, saving you time and reducing errors. Whether you're in construction or agriculture, this tool is perfect for any industry that requires accurate land measurement. In this blog post, we'll dive into how the Digital Distance Meter works, its benefits, different measurement modes available, how to use it effectively, and various applications across industries like ISSBd & IPCCTVbd in Bangladesh. Let's get started!

How the Digital Distance Meter GPS Satellite Land Area Measuring Tool Works

The Digital Distance Meter GPS Satellite Land Area Measuring Tool, also known as the NOYAFA NF-188 Outdoor Survey Instrument, is an advanced technology that makes measuring land areas quicker and easier than ever before. It operates by utilizing GPS satellites to determine its position on Earth accurately.

Once the device has been turned on, it receives signals from four or more GPS satellites in orbit. These signals are then used to calculate the distance between two points and display it on the screen instantly.

Moreover, this device can measure distances up to 5km (3 miles) with high accuracy levels of +/-2mm per km thanks to its advanced measurement modes such as single-distance measurement mode, continuous measurement mode, area measurement mode and volume measurement mode.

Its user-friendly interface allows users to switch between different modes easily by pressing a button located at the top of the device. Additionally, it comes with a large LCD screen that displays all necessary information clearly for easy reading outdoors in bright sunlight conditions.

In summary, The Digital Distance Meter GPS Satellite Land Area Measuring Tool works seamlessly by utilizing cutting-edge technology that makes measuring land areas simpler than ever before.

The Benefits of Using the Digital Distance Meter GPS Satellite Land Area Measuring Tool

The Digital Distance Meter GPS Satellite Land Area Measuring Tool has numerous benefits that make it a valuable tool for professionals in various industries. One of the primary benefits is its accuracy and precision, which allows users to get accurate measurements of land areas.

Another benefit of using this tool is its ease-of-use. It can be operated by anyone, regardless of their level of experience or expertise. This makes it an ideal choice for those who require quick and efficient measurements on site.

Moreover, the Digital Distance Meter GPS Satellite Land Area Measuring Tool offers different measurement modes such as distance measurement mode, area measurement mode and volume measurement mode. These modes provide flexibility when measuring different types of land surfaces or objects.

In addition to these benefits, the tool also uses GPS satellite technology to ensure high-quality data collection and analysis. This means that users can rely on the accuracy and reliability of the results obtained from this device.

Investing in a Digital Distance Meter GPS Satellite Land Area Measuring Tool can save time and money while providing accurate results for surveys related tasks like construction sites inspections or crop cultivation management plans among others

The Different Types of Measurement Modes

The Digital Distance Meter GPS Satellite Land Area Measuring Tool comes with different types of measurement modes, which makes it a versatile and flexible tool for various applications. One of the measurement modes is the single-distance mode, which allows you to measure distances between two points accurately.

Another measurement mode is the continuous distance mode, which enables you to take multiple measurements in quick succession. This feature is especially useful for measuring curved or irregular shapes.

The area measurement mode lets you calculate the area of a particular land plot by taking measurements at its boundaries. It's an excellent option for surveying large properties as well as small ones.

Moreover, there's also a volume calculation function that lets you determine the volume of materials like soil or gravel on-site quickly.

Some models come equipped with tilt sensors that help users get precise vertical height readings without having to use traditional methods such as rod levels or transits.

Understanding these different measurement modes can help you select and use your Digital Distance Meter GPS Satellite Land Area Measuring Tool optimally depending on your needs and preferences.

How to Use the Digital Distance Meter GPS Satellite Land Area Measuring Tool

Using the Digital Distance Meter GPS Satellite Land Area Measuring Tool is quite simple and straightforward. The first thing you need to do is turn on the device and select your preferred measurement mode. This can be done by pressing the mode button until you get to the desired option.

Once you have selected your measurement mode, hold down the power button for a couple of seconds to activate it. You will then see a crosshair icon appear on the screen, indicating that the device is ready for use.

Next, aim at your target point using either the viewfinder or laser pointer feature and press measure. The distance will then be displayed onscreen in either feet, meters or yards depending on your chosen unit of measurement.

To take measurements over long distances, switch to satellite mode which utilizes GPS technology for more accurate readings. Simply enter two coordinate points and let the device calculate the distance between them.

Using this tool requires minimal effort while providing fast and reliable results making land surveying tasks much easier than ever before.

The Various Applications of the Digital Distance Meter GPS Satellite Land Area Measuring Tool

The Digital Distance Meter GPS Satellite Land Area Measuring Tool, such as the NOYAFA NF-188 Outdoor Survey Instrument, has a wide range of applications in various industries. One of its primary uses is in land surveying and mapping. With its high accuracy and precision measurements, it can provide accurate data for topographic maps, boundary surveys, site planning, and construction projects.

Another application is in agriculture where it can help farmers to measure fields accurately for crop yield estimation or irrigation purposes. It can also be used by landscape architects to measure the area of lawns or gardens for design planning.

In addition to that, the tool can be used by real estate agents during property inspections to determine lot size accurately. This information helps them with pricing decisions and negotiations.

Furthermore, environmental scientists use this device for their research work such as measuring deforestation areas or monitoring wildlife habitats.

Lastly but not leastly, contractors who specialize in road construction find this tool very useful when determining distances between points on roads or highways which leads them towards bidding on new tenders with higher confidence levels due to precise measurements taken from digital distance meters like NOYAFA NF-188 outdoor survey instrument.



To conclude, the Digital Distance Meter GPS Satellite Land Area Measuring Tool NOYAFA NF-188 is a must-have for anyone involved in land surveying or outdoor measurement. With its advanced features, including multiple measurement modes, data storage capacity and high accuracy levels, this tool can save you both time and money when working on any project that requires accurate distance measurements.

Whether you're a professional surveyor or someone who needs to measure distances for DIY projects around your home, the NOYAFA NF-188 has everything you need to get the job done quickly and accurately. So why wait? Order yours today and experience all the benefits of using this cutting-edge land area meter!

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